
Values provide a way to parameterize request content and response matching per environment or other varying conditions. Values files are JSON format. For example, here’s ply-demo’s ply-ct.json values file:

  "baseUrl": ""

Properties such as baseUrl are referenced in requests (movie-queries.ply.yaml) like so:

  url: '${baseUrl}/movies?year=${year}&rating=${rating}'

The expression syntax here is that of JavaScript template literals.

JSON objects containing values can also be nested. You could just as well declare baseUrl in a structure like this:

  "moviesApi": {
    "baseUrl": ""

Then your expression would be:

  url: ${moviesApi.baseUrl}/ #...

As described in Results, expressions like these can also be embedded in your expected results files.

Specifying Values Files

Values files for test execution can be designated in plyconfig or on the command line. Multiple values files may be specified, in which case their JSON objects are deep-merged, with later entries taking precedences over earlier. So in valuesFiles from ply-demo’s plyconfig.yaml:

  test/values/global.json: true
  test/values/ply-ct.json: true
  test/values/localhost.json: false

or in list form:

  - test/values/global.json
  - test/values/ply-ct.json
  # - test/values/localhost.json

or even:

  - test/values/global.json: true
  - test/values/ply-ct.json: true
  - test/values/localhost.json: false

Either way, in this example same-named properties from ply-ct.json supersede those from global.json.

As with other Ply options, valuesFiles specified on the command line take precedence over the valuesFiles array in plyconfig. No merging is performed among values objects provided by these separate methods. For example, if you run ply --valuesFiles "a.json, b.json", then only a.json and b.json will be considered (not any files designated in plyconfig).

Values files that are specified but not present on the file system are simply ignored and no error is thrown.

Environment Variables

For secrets and other sensitive values, environment variables in the form ${ENV_VAR_NAME} are replaced in values files. Here’s an example from ply-demo global.json:

  "github": {
    "organization": "ply-ct",
    "repository": "ply",
    "token": "${GITHUB_TOKEN}"

Note: The legacy JSON-format environment variable PLY_VALUES is deprecated

Flow Values

Double-clicking on a blank area in Ply’s flow editor canvas opens the configurator for the overall flow. Here the Values tab enables you to specify static/initial/input values. Values entered here can be static string or expressions to evaluate at runtime. Input values can be designated as required according to a static boolean or an expression.

Rowwise Values

Ply supports iterative test execution, which is indicated simply by including a .csv or .xlsx file among valuesFiles:

  - test/values/localhost.json
  - test/values/forties-movies.csv

Only one .csv/.xlsx file may be included. Ply will repeatedly run each test for every row in the dataset. Same-named values from .csv/xlsx rows always take precedence over those from .json files.

See Iterating for details on rowwise values syntax.

Runtime Values

As discussed previously under Results, values are automatically supplemented with request/response objects from previous requests in the running suite. Thus in a results file you can reference the “id” value from the moviesByYearAndRatting response: ${@moviesByYearAndRating.response.body.movies[0].id}. When populating runtime values, Ply will convert their body contents to objects if they’re parseable as JSON. Otherwise, any body content is treated as a raw string.

Furthermore, in Ply Cases you can programmatically add runtime values yourself. For example, take a look at the ‘update rating’ test in ply-demo’s [movieCrud.ply.ts] (

    @test('update rating')
    async updateRating(values: any) { = this.movieId;
        values.rating = 4.5;
        await'updateMovie', values);
        // ...

Before submitting ‘updateMovie’, this test adds values for “id” (from the previous response), and also for “rating”. These changes are cumulative, so subsequent tests can modify values as needed for downstream requests.

Note: Runtime value objects must be serializable as JSON.


User-specified values take precedence in the following order (highest to lowest):

  1. Values specified in the values popup when running a request or flow
  2. Fixed values defined in flow via the Values configurator tab
  3. Runtime values set programmatically or autopopulated from previous requests
  4. Values loaded from the list of files in plyconfig.yaml/yml/json or on the command line

Next Topic: Iterating