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Interface PlyOptions

Populated ply options.


Implemented by



actualLocation: string

Actual results base dir (this.testsLocation + '/results/actual').

args?: any
bail: boolean

Bail on first failure (false).

batchDelay: number

(For use with rowwise values). Delay in ms between row batches.

batchRows: number

(For use with rowwise values). Number of rows to run per batch.

caseFiles: string

Case files glob pattern, relative to testsLocation ('*/.ply.ts').

expectedLocation: string

Expected results base dir (testsLocation + '/results/expected').

flowFiles: string

Flow files glob pattern, relative to testsLocation ('*/.flow').

genExcludeResponseHeaders?: string[]

Response headers to exclude when generating expected results.

ignore: string

File pattern to ignore, relative to testsLocation ('/{node_modules,bin,dist,out}/').

logLocation: string

Log file base dir (this.actualLocation).

maxLoops: number

(When flows have loopback links). Max instance count per step (10). Overridable in flow design.

outputFile?: string

Results summary output JSON

parallel: boolean

Run suites in parallel.

prettyIndent: number

Prettification indent for yaml and response body (2).

quiet: boolean

The opposite of 'verbose' (false).

reporter?: string

Reporter output format. Built-in formats: json, csv, xlsx. See https://github.com/ply-ct/ply-viz for more options.

requestFiles: string

Request files glob pattern, relative to testsLocation ('*/.{ply.yaml,ply.yml}').

responseBodySortedKeys: boolean

Predictable ordering of response body JSON property keys -- needed for verification (true).

resultFollowsRelativePath: boolean

Result files live under a similar subpath as request/case files (true). (eg: Expected result relative to 'expectedLocation' is the same as request file relative to 'testsLocation').

runOptions?: RunOptions
skip: string

File pattern for requests/cases/flows that shouldn't be directly executed, relative to testsLocation.

testsLocation: string

Tests base directory ('.').

valuesFiles: string[]

Files containing values JSON (or CSV or XLSX).

verbose: boolean

Verbose output (false). Takes precedence over 'quiet' if both are true.

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